Thing 47: Productivity Tools
Awards for new things I learned:
I have done CoolTools for the past couple of years and I always look forward to this topic to find tools for both professional and personal use. I have been taking some other Online Learning PD courses about Google and just recently learned about Google Drive. I LOVE being able to get my documents from any location and share them with others easily.
Best Tool I can share with students:
I did not know that EasyBib had an add on for Google docs and I know my students are really going to appreciate that. Tied with: JustRead-- I am an adult and I get distracted by the advertisements. Our students have trouble enough reading without additional “drama,” the simplified “cleaner” pages are super helpful.
Best Tool I shared with teachers:
Super Teacher Tools had so many fun things to try out. As a teacher I would have loved the seating chart generator and the random name generator. This time of year teachers are all looking for ways to review- the game sections here were great. Bonus: I was able to use Scrible to highlight and add post-it notes in order to point out some of my faves for teachers who may have been overwhelmed by the variety of tools on the site to try.
Best Tool for my personal life:
Turn Ringer Up to 100% I am always losing my phone just after I have been somewhere I have set it to silent mode. Bonus: This tools was on the 5 Minute Librarian site and while not technically a tech tool-- the site has so many great suggestions! I had never heard of it and I put it on my favorites bar.
I admit that I looked at many more of the tools, but some of them were more technical that I could fathom (e.g. most of the things I could set up with IFTT. (I am not even sure I got the acronym correct.) That is okay though because I am learning little by little.
Oh, I like the sound (lol) of Turn the Ringer Up! 5 minute librarian always has great stuff! No worries about some of the stuff being too technical, the Cool Tools lesson always have something for everyone.